Versions Compared


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  • SD document (invoice number) (in “header data”)
    • Call the corresponding invoice in display mode (T-code VF03).
  • Sales document (invoice number) (in tab “administration”)
    • Call the corresponding invoice in display mode (T-code VF03).
  • Reference document (VSS order number) (in tab “administration”)
    • Call the corresponding VSS order in display mode (T-code /DBE/ORDER03).
  • Canceled commission number (in tab “administration” / just for cancelation com.)
    • Call the corresponding commission in display mode (in actual detail screen).

Report “mass redetermination”

Functional Requirements

With the report for mass redetermination it is possible to “refresh commission master data” for a specific selection of active commissions (not deleted, not canceled and not already transferred). Here the user has the possibility to update commission relevant data based on the actual settings / master data. E.g. this could be relevant, if master data during commission creation was wrong - so that the user can correct the master data and update the commission with the corrected master data version.

  • Selection screen:
    The selection screen mainly contains two sections:
    → the options (what should be done)
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Mass redetermination - selection screen settings
  • Show list
    →  shows first a list of the selected commissions and the user can mark the relevant commissions and process the redetermination for them; otherwise redetermination runs without list and all selected commissions are updated
  • Save protocol
    → stores the processing protocol additional in the application log with object /DBME/PMA and subobject MASS_UPDATE and so it can be called also later on; otherwise protocol is just shown at the screen during runtime
  • Commission header data
    →  read the main commission header information from invoice, VSS order and the vehicle, like it is done during commission creation and update commission
  • Commission participant / pool data
    →  read the actual partner and pool information for the main commission partner and update commission
    → there is the additional option, to decide if manual created participants in the commission should be hold or should be deleted
  • Commission condition data
    → optional, to decide if manual created conditions (normally all conditions) in the commission should be hold or should be deleted

          → the selection criteria (at which commissions it should be done)

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 Mass redetermination - selection screen criteria

  • ALV list
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 Mass redetermination - ALV list result

In addition to the standard ALV functions, here we have just one additional function “start mass update”. Pressing this function, the “refreshing of master data” will be processed for all in the ALV selected commissions, based on the chosen options at selection screen.

  • Processing log during runtime
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Mass redetermination - processing log

After each processing, the actual log is shown to inform about successful, not allowed and not successful updates.

Authority check

  • Authority object “/DBME/P_MS” for activity

Customer Enhancement

  • Yes, BAdI and enhancement points are available.
    • BAdI
    • Enhancement points

Customer example 

  • No, activities will be described in user manual

Proaxia example 

  • No specific setting