You use the criteria technique to assign incompletion rules to VSS order process actions. The system checks the rules during order processing, before executing the action, and you can view incompletion information on the UI. Depending on the information that the user provides, the system can allow some events and prohibit others. For example, if an order has no payment terms then the system can allow a goods movement event, but not a billing event. If the system displays an error message for an event, you must provide the missing information before you can proceed. If the system displays a warning message for an event, you can use this event. You can therefore ensure data consistency and quality through the entire order process.
You have defined your own incompletion rules for VSS order processing, and assigned them to VSS order actions in Customizing for Vehicle Sales and Service under Order > Order Control > Incompletion Log.
Before you invoice a customer for an order, the system checks whether you provided mandatory payment terms. If the payment terms are missing, you cannot invoice the order. You can work with the order until processing, for example, the system displays a warning message if you execute the events Release Order, or Goods Movement. However, the system does not allow the event Billing until you provide the payment terms.