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You can use this function for an advanced search. You can use vehicle attributes to search for a vehicle. If you do not know the features key for a vehicle model, you can use generic options such as color type. You can also use a model sales code to search for vehicles.


  • You defined generic options in Customizing for Dealer Business Management (DBMVehicle Sales and Service (VSS) under Vehicle > Vehicle Master > Vehicle Search > Define Generic Options with Groups.
  • You have updated the vehicles. Before that, you have maintained the mapping table on the SAP Easy Access screen under Logistics > Logistics Execution > Dealer Business Management Vehicle Sales and Service > Master Data > Vehicle Model > Edit Generic Options for Features. The report /DBMDBE/R_UPD_VEH_OPTIONS automatically updates the vehicles according to the mapping table. The report updates the generic options data in every dependent vehicle. For example, if you created a new generic option Automatic Door Locking and assigned it to a vehicle model and the related vehicle features, this report will set the generic option for all vehicles those have the same model sales code.


The extended vehicle search has three different parts:

  • Vehicle attributes:

You can use the following vehicle attributes to search for vehicles:

  • Body Type
  • Vehicle Make Code
  • Model Sales Code
  • Model Year
  • Engine Performance
  • Number of Doors

  • Generic options:

You can choose a generic option group, for example Color Type or Gearbox Type, and select the relevant generic options, for example Metallic or Automatic Transmission.

  • OEM options

You can choose a model sales code. You can choose a features category and a features key for the model sales code. The system stores features categories and features key in the vehicle model master.


To start the extended vehicle search, on the SAP Easy Access screen navigate to Logistics > Logistics Execution > Dealer Business Management > Vehicle Processing > Vehicle Search, and choose the Extended Vehicle Search tab.



You can use all three parts in the extended vehicle search simultaneously. You can also use the vehicle search and the extended vehicle search at the same time. When you start the search, the system uses the search criteria from both tabs.