Versions Compared


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A package consists of the following parts:

  • Package data:

The package data contains header details, price relevant data, a list of package variants and variant data, and a list of items and item details. Some of the package header data (organizational data) is used as search criteria for the VSS order package search.

  • Administration data:

The administration data contains data such as creation/change date and the user for the header, the package variants, and the items.

  • Pricing data:

The pricing data contains pricing data for the header, the package variant, the header items, and the variant items. Not all packages have pricing data.

  • Texts:

Here you can find a descriptive text for the main package and the package variant.

There are main packages and package variants.
A package contains labor values and parts. A parts package, however, only contains parts and can be used in parts orders.
When you add a package to an order, the system automatically copies the individual package items. You cannot include a package in the same job more than once.
You can use the labor value main type to make the assignments to the model-specific labor values. You can use customized vehicle criteria to assign the package, for example, to the vehicle model for which the package should be valid.
When you save a package item, you can decide whether the item should be valid for all vehicles, in other words on header level, or whether you wish to restrict the item on version level to specific vehicles (or vehicle criteria, such as the model code).


The system uses different package categories:

  • Chain

When creating a package, the system includes all items with the categories that have been defined in Customizing for the package type. You cannot change the prices in the package yourself, but you can add and change additional items as you wish. By selecting a package during order maintenance, an order job is created and for each package item, an order job item. The item price is the same as for the individually entered items.

  • Price

As with the chain package category, the system adds all the order items. A fixed price is defined for the entire package or package variant. The system automatically copies the package condition values to the order condition values per item. By defining the condition type for the package in Customizing, you determine whether the condition is a discount or a fixed price condition. The pricing procedure defines whether the package price is the final value, or whether additional discounts are possible.

  • Parts

The package is assigned to one material master and can include only parts items (similar to a bill of material). The parts package can be used in service and parts orders. The system does not create a job if you select the package in the order. You can assign a part item to the package and automatically replace the part in the order with the package items.


You can use the Business Add-in BAdI: Package Search to make any enhancements and restrictions you may require for the package search.
