You want to perform a primary action with the following action data: vehicle model Sprinter, plant 7777.
No primary action control has been assigned to the vehicle model. This usually means that the vehicle model has just been created.
The table does not contain any entries that exactly match transaction VELOS, in other words, it does not contain an entry for which only the fields Vehicle Model Sprinter and Plant 7777 are filled.
However, there is an entry for vehicle model Sprinter, plant 7777,andand vendor Opel. But this entry cannot be not found, since it includes a very specific vendor and the user has not entered a vendor.
There is another entry for the vehicle model Sprinter for which only the vehicle model has been entered and no other fields have been filled. This entry is taken since the missing entry in the Plantfield means that the entry is valid for all existing plants.
The system always uses the most fitting entry from the table for transaction VELOS that matches the data specified.