Before sending vehicle inventory to DSW, you must ensure the following:
Technical connection has been established between VSS and DSW.
Common parameter and validation have been properly set up, in both application for example user settings, DSW setup keys and organizational structure.
Lookup values relevant to vehicle has been mapped between VSS and DSW for example VehicleExteriorColorGroup, VehicleInteriorTypeGroup, OptionFamily, VehicleFuelType, VehicleType, VehicleBodyStyle, VehicleGearType, VehicleEmissionClass, VehicleEmissionSticker, VehicleAvailabilityStatus, VehicleStatus and VehicleFamily.
Model line assignment to Make has been created in VSS in the following path: SAP Easy Access screen, choose “Logistics > Logistics Execution > Vehicle Sales and Service > Master Data > Vehicle Model > Model Line Maintenance”
Vehicle Availability has been configured in VSS in the following path: Vehicle Management System (VMS) > Control Data > Define Availability
Vehicle Availability has been assigned to relevant actions in VSS in the following path: Vehicle Management System (VMS) > Control Data > Define Action Controls and Define Action Matrices
VSS will always be the source of the vehicle inventory. There are no changes in the way that the vehicle is created in VSS. Inventory vehicles that are categorized as New or Used can be replicated to DSW.
Upon creation or update of vehicle information in VSS, an API will be called to transmit the newly created or updated vehicle to DSW.
Login to VSS and enter credential.
Access transaction code /DBE/VM to create vehicle.
Access transaction code /DBE/VSEARCH to update vehicle.
Maintain the vehicle information and click “Save” button.
Access transaction code /DBE/ODL_VEH_DISTRIB to distribute the newly created or updated vehicle to DSW. This distribution can be setup to be executed immediately or as scheduled job on a pre-defined interval.
Login to DSW to view the newly created or updated vehicle.
In case of troubleshooting or monitoring, refer to section “Monitoring and Tracing” below.