Maintaining the DSW activation flag can be found in the following path: Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose “Vehicle Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) > Vehicle Sales > Integration with VSS Order > Digital Sales Workplace (DSW) > Activate VSS-DSW”DSW.
Activate Business Partner Integration
If you want to restrict the business partner integration to DSW, you can activate the BP integration to DSW for a certain (Company Code, Sales Organization, Distribution Channel or Division).
Make sure to set the business partner integration criteria in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) > Vehicle Sales > Integration with VSS Order > Digital Sales Workplace (DSW) > Customer BP Integration. In this customizing, the system allows to insert empty values.
Default BP Grouping for Customer Creation from DSW
You can set a default BP grouping for inbound BP creation from DSW in VSS, a separate BP grouping can be used to create (Person, Organization or contact person).
Maintaining the default BP grouping can be found in the following path: Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) > Vehicle Sales > Integration with VSS Order > Digital Sales Workplace (DSW) > Default BP Grouping for Customer Creation from DSW.
Activate Vehicle Integration
In Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) > Vehicle Sales > Integration with VSS Order > Digital Sales Workplace (DSW) > Vehicle integration. You can restrict the vehicle integration to DSW for a certain (Company Code, Vehicle Business Transaction Type, Division or Make) and the system allows to insert empty values.
Organizational settings
Proper assignment of the organizational units for sales and used vehicle purchasing requires maintenance of appropriate mapping. For this goal, customizing tables /DBE/VS_SP_ORG & /DBE/VS_PSER_ORG must be filled.
Mapping of organizational units for sales purchasing has been configured in VSS in the following path: Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose “Vehicle Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) > Vehicle Sales > Integration with VSS Order > Digital Sales Workplace (DSW) > Define Purchasing Organizational Structure Mapping”Mapping.
Mapping of organizational units for purchasing service order creation has been configured in VSS in the following path: Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose “Vehicle Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) > Vehicle Sales > Integration with VSS Order > Digital Sales Workplace (DSW) > Define Purchasing Service Organizational Mapping”Mapping.