/PACG/ECM_SCG - Service call general settings
Disable generation of time tasks for technicians:
/PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition / [OBSOLETE] /PACG/ECM_SCTD – Service Call types definition: Overview and Detail
Activate the following fields:
Send activity types as time tasks (short label TAT active) - Work with CO activity type for time confirmation. Those activity types are sent per order as defined in transaction /PACG/ECM_SOLAF - Activity types for time tasks .
Generate time task for order operation (short label Send Time Task) - Send order operation as „task” for time effort capturing.
Use time tasks’ act. type for conf./CATS (short label Act. Type as TT) - Activity type as time task.
No time task for person (short label Not for person) - Do not send time task for person.
/PACG/ECM_SOLAF - Activity types for time tasks
Enter activity type ranges allowed for time task generation:
Create a service order of type YBS4 (the one set in /PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition) and release it.