The following are the list of lookup values in scope of this integration:
No. | Name | Description | Source in VSS |
AcademicTitle | Academic title and description | TSAD2-TITLE_KEY | |
2. | Language | Language id and description | T002-SPRAS |
3. | Country | Country id and description | T005-LAND1 |
4. | Make | Make id and description | /DBE/C_VEH_MAKE-V_MAKE |
5. | Currency | Currency id and description | CURC-WAERS |
6. | Profession | Profession id and description | TB028-BEZ30 |
7. | VatGroup | VAT Group and description | TSKD-TAXKD and TSKM-TAXKM |
8. | PaymentMethod | Payment method and description | /DBE/T_PAYTYPE_V-PAYMENT_TYPE |
9. | Gender | Gender id and description | T522G-GESCH |
10. | MaritalStatus | Marital status id and description | TB027-MARST |
11. | PriceList | Price list id and description | T189-PLTYP |
12. | PaymentTerms | Payment terms and description | V_T052-ZTERM |
13. | VehicleExteriorColorGroup | Vehicle exterior colour group and description | /DBE/V_GEN_OPT-GEN_OPT where GO_GROUP = "ECOLO" |
14. | VehicleInteriorTypeGroup | Vehicle interior type group and description | /DBE/V_GEN_OPT-GEN_OPT where GO_GROUP = "ICOLO" |
15. | OptionFamily | Option family id and description | /DBE/V_OPTYPE-OPCLASS |
16. | VehicleFuelType | Fuel type id and description | /DBE/V_FLTYPE-ENGFUEL |
17. | VehicleType | Vehicle type id and description | /DBE/V_CLASS-VCLASS |
18. | VehicleBodyStyle | Vehicle Body style id and description | /DBE/V_BODY-BODTYPE |
19. | VehicleGearType | Vehicle gear type id and description | /DBE/V_GEN_OPT-GEN_OPT where GO_GROUP = "GBOXT" |
20. | VehicleEmissionClass | Emission Class and description | /DBE/V_ENVICLAS-ENVICLASS |
21. | VehicleEmissionSticker | Emission Sticker and description | /DBE/V_EFFICLAS-EFFICLAS |
22. | VehicleAvailabilityStatus | Vehicle availability status and description | CVLC10-AVAIL |
23. | VehicleStatus | Vehicle status and description | /DBE/V_V_BUSTYPE-BUSTYPE |
24. | VehicleClassificationStatus | VehicleClassificationStatus and description | /DBE/V_V_BUSTYPE-BUSTYPE |
25. | VehicleFamily | Vehicle family and description | /DBE/V_MODEL-MODLINE |
26. | IndustrialSector | Industrial Sector / Customer group and description | T151-KDGRP |
27. | ItemGroup | Item group and description | /DBE/VS_S_IGRP-ITGRP |
28. | Company | Company and description | T001-BUKRS |
29. | Branch | Branch and description | T001W-WERKS |
30. | DocumentStatus | Document status and description | /DBE/OE_HSTAT-HSTAT |
31. | SalesPerson | Salesperson and description | P0001-PERNR |
32. | User | VSS User ID and description | USR02-BNAME |
33. | Cost Center | Cost Center and description | TVTW-VTWEG |
Refer below steps to perform the mapping of the lookup values: