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Workshop controllers need to have an overview of the current situation in the workshop to check the time events recorded by their technicians and correct them, if necessary. In the correction terminal, the workshop controller has the following possibilities:

  • Display time stamps corresponding to certain selection criteria
  • Correct a recorded time event, for example, by changing the start and end times
  • Create a time stamp, for example, if an employee forgot to clock in

In this part presented and explained will be:

Table of Contents

General Overview

Time clocking correction is also accessible via the personnel number and the main screen displays the personnel information (1), time range (2), action buttons (3), personnel selection (4), timeline (5), recorded events (6) and change requests (7):


If event data are wrong or missing user can change them in Time Clocking Correction terminal.:

Modification of an events


3 functionalities are available via the action buttons: Add a new event, delete multiple events and display all change requests.:

Action buttons

Add new event gives access to all available event types.:

Add new events screen

Delete multiple events request a Start and End time.:

Delete multiple events screen


The displayed records on the timeline are dependant to the selected time range.:

Timeline overview

The timeline is scalable (1) per days and hours.:

Scale selection (1)

The button today (2) permits to always return to the current day.:

Scale selection (2)

It is always possible to scroll the timeline and checked all records inside the selected time range.:

Timeline scrolling

The legend (3) displays the customized mapping of colors and event.:

Timeline legend (3)

Recorded events

The list of displayed recorded events is dependent to the time range.:

Recorded events list

After selecting the event user is navigate to the change request screen for that time frame.


Like the recorded events list, the change requests list displayed is dependent to the selected time range.:

Change requests list

A detail view is available for each request. In this view, the supervisor can approve or reject the selected request.:

Change requests detailed view


Users can reduce the list of selected new request.:

E-mail notification for new change request in Time clocking correction application selection criteria
