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title(S4)PACG 200 SP09

title(S4)PACG 200 SP08 and older

Specify how user status set to a service order header/operation (

title(S4)PACG 200 SP09
network activity for network orders) should affect the related activities' workflow step (direction from SAP to FSM) or how activity workflow step should affect order/operation (or network activity) user status (direction FSM to SAP).


Enter company ID, workflow name and either status profile or service call type, but not both. For inbound processing, you can leave service call type and status profile empty.


Please note that in case of a service order with more than one operation or service order with the operation linked with multiple requirement assignments, the status maintained on the service order header will be applied to all operations/ all activities in FSM.

In case of two-way direction set up, the workflow step assigned to one of the operations in FSM will result in the service order status change and then the workflow steps of other activities will be updated as well.

Workflow steps generated from SAP ECC/S4 based on operation/order user status change


If user status entered


in a customizing entry is set to an operation


(network activity for network orders) or order header, the workflow step entered in the field Ass. Status Name will be sent to FSM



. Use the field Level to specify if user status should be checked on operation (network activity for network orders) or order header level


Choose direction ‘From

. For this scenario, set field Direction to From ECC/S4 to

FSM’ or ‘Both directions’

FSM or Both directions.

Entries for operations where status is matching and direction is not ‘inbound’ are considered first. If not found, entries for header level are checked.

Example of outbound processing

After assigning a status profile (ZTEST) and a user status (E001) to a workflow step (travel) in transaction /PACG/ECM_SASA, set a user status to a service order. An idoc of type /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_SERV_ASS_OUT will be generated. The workflow step of the activity will change to ‘travel’ in FSM. 

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User status change in SAP ECC/S4 based on workflow steps set in FSM


User status to be set in the activity’s order/operation after workflow step change in FSM


Specify if user status should be set on operation or order header level


To set user status based on workflow step change, choose direction ‘From FSM to ECC/S4’ or ‘Both directions’.


Checkout process starts for a status for which this flag was enabled

InfoLearn more about “Run checkout” functionality in

A customizing entry must exist for the workflow step selected on the FSM mobile app and the relevant company, with the Direction field set to From FSM to ECC/S4 or Both directions. User status is determined from the customizing based on the following criteria:

title(S4)PACG 200 SP11

Priority 1

Use a customizing entry where Level = Header and the entered status profile is equal to the status profile from the activity’s order’s header. Order/network/notification type field must match the activity's order's/network’s/notification’s type.  

Priority 2

Use a customizing entry where Level = Header and the entered status profile is equal to the status profile from the activity’s order’s header. Order/network/notification type fields must be empty. 

Priority 3

Use a customizing entry where Level = Operation and the entered status profile is equal to the status profile from the activity’s operation/network activity. Order/network/notification type field must match the activity's order's/network’s/notification’s type. 

Priority 4

Use a customizing entry where Level = Operation and the entered status profile is equal to the status profile from the activity’s operation/network activity. Order/network/notification type fields must be empty. 

Priority 5

Use a customizing entry where activity’s order’s type matches the type entered in the customizing. Status profile in the customizing entry must be empty.

Priority 6

Use a customizing entry where order type and status profile are empty (company and workflow step must be matching).

title(S4)PACG 200 SP10 and older

Priority 1

Use a customizing entry where Level = Header and the entered status profile is equal to the status profile from the activity’s order’s header. Order type fields must be empty.

Priority 2

Use a customizing entry where Level = Operationand the entered status profile is equal to the status profile from the activity’s operation (or network activity for network orders). Order type fields must be empty.

Priority 3

Use a customizing entry where activity’s order’s type matches the type entered in the customizing. Status profile in the customizing entry must be empty.

Priority 4

Use a customizing entry where order type and status profile are empty (company and workflow step must be matching).

The user status from the determined entry will be set on operation (network activity for network orders) or order header level, depending on the value set in option Level.

Enable flag RN CHKT to trigger checkout process for a given status. Learn more about this functionality: Service Checkout on various steps of workflow