The See /PACG/ECM_RESBVB table is used to store the relationship between a sales order item and a reservation (VBAP/RESB).
The entries are not necessary after the process is finished – if the sales order is completely processed (VBUK-GBSTK = 'C') and Reservation is deleted (RESB-XLOEK = 'X'). Such entries can be deleted with program /PACG/ECM_DELETE_RESBVB.
Enter the number of a reservation meeting the following conditions:
It is related to a sales document in table /PACG/ECM_RESBVB, meaning a reserved material was created using a sales order (SD/Advance Shipment).
The processing of the sales document is complete.
The reservation item has been deleted (from the service order).
Execute the program. Successful deletion is confirmed by a message.
Notice that the entry can no longer be found in _DEL_RESBVB - Delete table /PACG/ECM_RESBVB.