Objects changed in FSM remain blocked until they are successfully processed by SAP. In case of an error occurring on the SAP side during the inbound processing (causing the confirmation not being sent back to FSM) the object blockage in FSM stays as it is. It can be possible to prevent it with the ‘Error confirmation’ functionality sending a special message back to the cloud which would result in unblocking the object.
/PACG/ECM_OBJERROR is analogical to the already existing /PACG/ECM_OBJCONF. These two in fact are not really sent to FSM as XML messages but instead they are processed by Message Broker which in turn calls dedicated methods of the Transporter. The schema below shows how the process works in SAP.
The Message Broker must be of version 3.11 or higher for this functionality to work correctly.
/PACG/ECM_OBJERROR does not require any particular configuration. It can only be enabled or disabled separately for each inbound object in the /PACG/ECM_CLSASSIGIN. After the OBJERROR is sent back to FSM the object which initialized the process becomes unblocked but there is no information displayed to the end user that processing in SAP backend failed which means that it is undistinguishable if the process was successful or not what in the end may lead to serious inconsistencies between FSM and SAP.