To store checklist instance attachments using the DMS method, the following steps should be performed manually:
Adjust ‘Cloud Message to SAP object' configuration for cloud message CHECKLISTINSTANCE
In transaction /PACG/ECM_CUST_ATTA - Inbound/Outbound Attachment Configuration, node Cloud Message to SAP object configuration, find the entry for cloud message type CHECKLISTINSTANCE:
Enter /PACG/ECMC as its SAP object.
Create a dedicated screen for object /PACG/ECMC
To add object /PACG/ECMC as an object link to a relevant DMS document type, a dedicated screen should be maintained beforehand.
Screens for DMS object links are not delivered as part of FSM Cloud Connector. We can only deliver objects of the /PACG/ECM namespace, the screens are part of a standard SAP object.
Screen creation
Navigate to transaction SE80. In function group CV130 create a new screen (with number 9xxx, e.g. 9901). You can use a copy of screen 1204.
Layout adjustment
Navigate to the screen’s ‘Layout’. Adjust the layout’s fields.
Flow logic adjustment
Make sure that the chain for new field is adjusted - checklist instance number should be used (/PACG/ECM_CLTDH-DOCNR).
Assign /PACG/ECMC as a new object link in transaction DC10
Navigate to transaction DC10. For the relevant DMS document type, create a new object link - using object /PACG/ECMC and the screen created in the previous steps.
In transaction CV01N, a new object type should be available: