Supported objects
Since activity dispatching, acceptance and rejection are communicated with SAP ECC/S4 using Events, make sure that transaction /PACG/ECM_TRIG_SUPO - Supported object send was executed. This serves as confirmation for SAP FSM that ActivityConfirmed, ActivityAccepted and ActivityRejected events should be transferred to SAP ECC/S4.
Draft activities
Company setting CoreSystems.FSM.SyncDraftActivity.Enabled should be set to true.
Control key determination
Control keys for internal and external technicians should be set in transaction /PACG/ECM_CKDET - Control key determination:
Based on this customizing, the operation control key will be changed after assignment of an activity to a crowd technician.
Purchase order/requisition customizing
Use the following transactions to customize purchase order/requisition-related settings, such as which agreement type should be used for finding conditions for purchase requisition creation:
/PACG/ECM_PORCR - Crowd Purchase order parameters
/PACG/ECM_PORCP - Crowd Purchase ord. print parameters
/PACG/ECM_BSART - Properties FSM Purchase order type