The transaction serves the purpose of deleting entries from the /PACG/ECM_MIDMAP table.
It is recommended to use this program for a periodic job for entries older than one year, with status ‘confirmed’ (not equal space).
For each outgoing Idoc the FSM Cloud Connector creates an entry in table /PACG/ECM_MIDMAP (Mapping of the message ID to the idoc number).
After cloud confirmation, entries are used in resend process, however only entries not older than a set amount of days are relevant for this process (the amount of days is set in /PACG/ECM_CPROP - General Properties of FSM Cloud Connector ).
Find a desired entry and its creation date in the /PACG/ECM_MIDMAP table.
Navigate to /PACG/ECM_DEL_MIDMAP. Enter the creation date and confirmation status.
If executed in the simulation mode, only the following logs are displayed (no entries have been deleted):
If executed again without the ‘Simulation run’ option set, a confirmation log is displayed.
This time the selected entry can no longer be found in table /PACG/ECM_MIDMAP.