Delete entries from table /PACG/ECM_MIDMAP - Mapping of the message ID to the idoc number in order to optimize system performance.
Purpose of the affected table
For each outgoing Idoc, the FSM Cloud Connector creates an entry in table /PACG/ECM_MIDMAP. Entries are used in the resend process.
Execution recommendations
The table is significantly big-sized. Execute the program periodically via a background job.
Confirmed messages Confirmed status = P, A or M | Unconfirmed messages Confirmed status = space, N or H |
Entries for confirmed messages can be deleted daily. | Entries for unconfirmed messages can be deleted if older than the number of days set in /PACG/ECM_CPROP - General Properties of FSM Cloud Connector, field Unconf.IdocsAge. For such messages, the resend process no longer applies. |
For the first-time deletion, it’s recommended to split the deletion process into a few parts, based on age.