(S4)PACG 200 SP04
If Business Partners are used on a given system (see transaction BP), you must specify which BP roles are allowed for being used as an FSM customer, supplier or contact person. The customizing is prefilled by the setup program.
The following major criteria must be met for a customer/supplier to be sent to FSM, if field ‘BP used' is activated in /PACG/ECM_CPROP - General Properties of FSM Cloud Connector:
A BP has a partner role which is linked to a customer (table KNA1) or vendor (table LFA1) entry
The customer’s sales area (or other assignment area) and vendor’s purchasing organization are allowed for transfer to a given company (see /PACG/ECM_EOAS - Object Assignment, /PACG/ECM_SAASG - Sales Area Assignment, /PACG/ECM_EKAS - Purchasing Organization assignments)
One of the BP’s roles is entered in this transaction and marked as relevant for transfer as customer/supplier
The functionality of transferring any BP, even if it has no customer (table KNA1) or vendor (table LFA1) data was supported in (S4)PACG 200 SP04 but is currently suspended in the newer versions.