(S4)PACG 200 SP12
Specify sources of communication data for Contact Person and their priority. Priority 1 indicates the highest priority. The first source in which an email is found, will be used for all communication properties (mail/fax/mobile phone/officePhone/pager).
The following communication data sources are available:
Relationship (only for BP-based CPs) – email address/fax/mobile phone/officePhone/pager retrieved from the relationship between a contact person BP and a customer/vendor BP. This determination logic is already implemented for emails (hard-coded), it can be re-used. It’s not implemented for other communication properties. Make sure that this source is not considered in the address determination logic (is automatically skipped) when ‘BP used’ is not enabled in /PACG/ECM_CPROP.
Contact Person – email address/fax/mobile phone/officePhone/pager retrieved from the data of a contact person. This determination logic is already implemented, it can be re-used.
Customer/Vendor - email address/fax/mobile phone/officePhone/pager from the customer/vendor master data a contact person is assigned to. This determination logic is not implemented in any way yet. If ‘BP used’ is enabled in /PACG/ECM_CPROP, the data should be read from the Business Partner a contact person is assigned to. If it’s not enabled, it should be read from the related customer/vendor.
BAdI – email address/fax/mobile phone/officePhone/pager determined based on BAdI implementation. This determination logic is not implemented in any way yet. A new BAdI definition must be created and called in class /PACG/ECM_CL_S_IDOC_O_CPERSING.
If the customizing is empty, the following rules apply:
For not BP-based contact persons, communication data from contact is used
For BP-based contact persons the email from customer↔contact relationship is retrieved first and if not found, the email from contact person's main data is used.