(S4)PACG 200 SP14
This customizing is used to customize address determination and storage for BP-based customers and vendors:
specify how address sent to SAP FSM will be determined - including source and address type
specify how address created in FSM will be stored in SAP ECC/S4
Address sent to FSM
Use the field ‘Address source’ in the ‘Address Determination Settings’ tab to specify how addresses relevant for transfer to FSM would be determined:
Partner Functions - address retrieved from partner functions’s address, based on the rules described here: Business Partner Address. When selected, make sure to verify the ‘Partner Functions’ tab (it incorporates fields from https://proaxia-prod-doc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PFCC/pages/1166606379). SOLD-TO and SHIP-TO will always be used for address determination by default. BILL-TO or PAYER can be used only if they’re entered in field “Role for BILLTO”. Partner functions BILL-TO or PAYER can only be sent as addresses of type “bill to”. For partner functions SHIP-TO or SOLD-TO you can decide if their address should be sent to FSM as type “bill to” or “ship to”.
BP Addresses -