You can use this function to monitor additional costs incurred on a vehicle by way of various external services availed. External services can include overheads such as warehousing, maintenance and cleaning, intra-plant vehicle transfers, and so on.
This function allows the distribution of the additionally incurred costs among the internal orders of a set of vehicles. You can not only post additional costs to multiple vehicles at a time, but also cancel costs that have been posted already. Additionally, you can use the function to separately create purchase orders, goods receipts, and incoming invoices for the external services.
In the vehicle sales process, this function helps in estimating the profitability of each vehicle being sold.
- The vehicles for which additional costs need to be posted are available in the system.
- You have defined the external service types for additional costs in Customizing under Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) > Vehicle > General Data > Define Categories for Additional Costs.
- You can assign materials to various external service types in the master data, from the SAP Easy Access menu under Vehicle Sales and Service > Master Data > Additional Costs > Assign Material to Additional Cost Category. Note that you can assign only non-stockable service materials to external service types.
When each vehicle is created in the system, an internal order is also created for it automatically. Any additional costs incurred on the vehicle are assigned to its internal order.
When you post additional costs against one or more vehicles, the system triggers the creation of purchase orders, goods receipts, and incoming invoices in a sequential manner. Alternatively, you can generate the purchase orders, goods receipts, and incoming invoices separately.
Posting Additional Costs
- In the SAP Easy Access menu, go to Vehicle Sales and Service > Vehicle Processing > Mass Vehicle Processing (or transaction /DBE/MASSACTIONS).
- Search for the vehicles by entering the search criteria and choosing Vehicle Search.
- In the search results table, select one or more vehicles among which you want an additional cost to be distributed.
- Choose Possible Actions > Post Additional Costs.
- In the dialog box that opens, enter the appropriate parameters, especially the service vendor, net amount, and tax amount. Choose Distribute.
The entered amount is distributed equally among the selected vehicles, which are displayed within the dialog box itself. You can manually change the distributed amounts here, if required.
You can additionally influence the distribution proportion by implementing the Business Add-In (BAdI) /DBE/BADI_VMASS_DISTRIBUTE_ADC. - Choose Post Additional Costs.
The function distributes the entered cost among the selected vehicles as defined by you. If you had selected only one vehicle, the entered amount is assigned entirely to it. - At this point the system creates purchase orders, goods receipts, and incoming invoices sequentially for external services availed on the selected vehicles.
Cancelling Additional Costs
To cancel additional costs that have been posted earlier, search for and select the vehicles as explained above, and choose Possible Actions > Cancel Additional Cost. The system cancels the purchase orders, goods receipts, and incoming invoices sequentially.
Creating Separate Purchase Orders, Goods Receipts, or Incoming Invoices
- In the SAP Easy Access menu, go to Vehicle Sales and Service > Vehicle Processing > Mass Vehicle Processing (or transaction /DBE/MASSACTIONS).
- Search for the required vehicles by entering the search criteria and choosing Vehicle Search.
- In the search results table, select one or more vehicles.
Choose Possible Actions > Create Pur. Order for External Service.
You can use the corresponding actions to create goods receipts or incoming invoices, as required.In the dialog box that opens, enter the appropriate parameters. Choose Distribute.
The entered amount is distributed equally among the selected vehicles, which are displayed within the dialog box itself. You can manually change the distributed amounts here, if required.Note
If you have implemented the Business Add-In (BAdI) /DBE/BADI_VMASS_DISTRIBUTE_ADC, the system distributes the amount based upon the BAdI logic.- Choose Create Pur. Order for External Service (or other similar button, depending on the document you are creating).
The system creates the documents for external services availed on the selected vehicles. If you had selected only one vehicle, the entered amount is assigned entirely to it.
To cancel the documents, select the vehicles as explained above, and choose Possible Actions > Cancel Pur. Order for External Service (or other similar button, depending on the document you are cancelling).
Only one document (purchase order, goods receipt, or incoming invoice) can be cancelled at a time.
If a purchase order, goods receipt, or incoming invoice is being separately created for a vehicle, you cannot post any more additional costs to that vehicle until all three documents have been created; a similar constraint is applicable in the case of cancellation of additional costs.
For example, if you have created only a purchase order for a vehicle, you cannot post any new additional costs to that vehicle until the goods receipt and incoming invoice too are created.