FSM Message Broker installation

FSM Message Broker installation

FSM Connector is a communication layer between SAP systems and FSM Cloud. As described in FSM Architecture Overview, FSM Connector is composed of two major components: FSM Connector itself (the main ABAP component) and FSM Message Broker. This document is a manual for administrators, describing steps necessary to install and configure FSM Message Broker. For Message Broker downloads check Message Broker Releases

Please note, that due to different architecture, authorizations and skills required to install FSM Connector (Data Processor component), its installation has been described in a separate document. Where it is necessary to understand the architecture of FSM Message Broker, in order to be able to set it up correctly, this document describes building blocks of Message Broker (very low level sometimes). It is however not intention of this document to give the reader overall knowledge of what FSM is and how it works. If you need this kind of introduction, please refer to Application Help.

Do not restart Message Broker during the initial load.

Please note the following additional prerequisites regarding multiple SAP systems connected to one FSM cloud tenant:

  • If one FSM cloud tenant is connected to multiple SAP systems with multiple Message Brokers, all Message Brokers must consist of the same version

  • If a specific Message Broker is updated to a newer version, all other Message Brokers pointing to the same cloud tenant must be updated as well

  • All not updated Message Brokers will not work properly anymore

Network encryption and the (lack of) maintenance of certificates and algorithms to do those can cause connectivity issues. Note that especially root certification authorities should be updated regularly. In case of connection issues to FSM Cloud due to untrusted TLS certificate please refer to the following SAP note: https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2943007.

For Message Broker system requirements go here

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