Configure generation of prefilled checklists
The previous steps: Create a checklist template
Checklists can be prefilled with measuring points data of the operation's equipment, or if not found, the service order header’s equipment. The technician can use a series of measuring points to easily post readings within a checklist.
Use transaction /PACG/ECM_CL_PREF -Checklist prefilling configuration to customize generation of prefilled checklists. Structure T_MEASURE_PTS is used to map measuring point data with checklist template fields:
The following measuring point data properties are supported by the standard solution and can be used in prefilled checklists without additional enhancements:
Measuring point and measuring position (obis code)
Upper and lower measurement range limits
Last measurement reading
Apart from the prerequisites described on the following page: /PACG/ECM_CL_PREF - Checklist prefilling configuration | Preconditions, it is crucial that the activity’s operation has equipment assigned (if not found, equipment is searched on the service order header level). Measuring documents should be maintained for this equipment. Please remember that prefilled checklists will be generated only for activities with a technician assigned.
Another equipment determination source
If equipment ought to be determined differently, please implement the following BAdI:
Example prefilled checklist instance
For the example checklist template, the following mapping is maintained in transaction /PACG/ECM_CL_PREF - Checklist prefilling configuration :
The checklist template has conditions assigned and is set as active for prefilled checklist generation:
Create a service order. Its operation should have a technician and equipment assigned. The operation’s equipment contains 4 measuring points, each one is represented as a series in the prefilled checklist instance:
The measuring point data from SAP ECC/S4 is reflected in the checklist instance in SAP FSM, based on the maintained mapping:
Read next: Configure the inbound checklist mapping and post measuring documents
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