/PACG/ECM_BALHDR_UPD - Correction of the entries in BALHDR table
Report allows to update entries in table BALHDR with logs. Logs can have set Expiry date on 31.12.9999 (BALHDR-ALDATE_DEL) and cannot be removed before this date (BALHDR-DEL_BEFORE = X). Such logs leads to situation where user cannot delete old ones from the system. In order to remove old logs, the following conditions must be met:
either expiration date has passed or flag DEL_BEFORE = ‘X’ is set to space
the expiration date is not checked
In report is possible to change entries in table by two options to make possible:
New expiry date - date input
Change option del. before expiration date from 'X' to space - checkbox
Tool is working only for main object /PACG/ECM. In test run mode program only display records which can be updated after selecting the criteria.
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