Full sync

Full sync

The so-called full sync is a process of mass transfer of FSM-relevant objects from SAP ECC/S4 to FSM. It’s executed once, after a company is created, the message broker was started with the new company definition and FSM Cloud Connector is already customized to the customer’s needs (e.g. object assignments, address determination sources and any other configuration which affects what and how is sent to FSM are set up). Usually performed on production environments, not so often on test companies. It transfers master data objects, such as customers and materials, technical objects such as order types or person reservation types, as well as users or already existing service orders.


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What is its benefit?

Triggering a full sync is a very low-effort way to transfer all FSM-relevant objects to a given company at once, with just a few clicks.


Is it obligatory?

It’s optional.


What if full sync is not performed?

If full sync has not been performed or is not going to be performed, all the necessary objects must be transferred to FSM manually, with the dedicated sending transactions (see the FSM Cloud Connector folder Send). On test systems, where just a few master data objects are necessary, it’s more practical to transfer all the necessary objects manually, e.g. a small range of test customers or materials, not to clutter the environment. On production tenants, the full sync is usually executed because all the master data may be needed. Keep in mind that newly created or changed objects in most cases will be transferred automatically to FSM, e.g. equipment, customers, service calls and activities, as long they’re assigned to an FSM-relevant plant/sales area, etc.


How can it be performed?

From FSM Admin

The recommended way to trigger full sync is via FSM Admin module, see the button Trigger Initial Synchronization:



Another way to perform full sync is execution of the FSM Cloud Connector program /PACG/ECM_FULLSYNC_S - Run Fullsync.


What are FSM Cloud Connector customizing options that I should consider before performing the full sync?

Specify which message types are relevant for full sync (field “Fullsync rel.”). Review which objects really need to be fully synced.

/PACG/ECM_CLSASSIG - FSM Connector's Outgoing Messages Configuration

Specify which order statuses are relevant for full sync (field “FullSync”)

/PACG/ECM_SCREQ - Service Call sending - Requirements

Optionally generate reserved materials for already existing components and transfer them to FSM. Reserved materials are not generated automatically with full sync, therefore execution of a dedicated report in addition is necessary.

/PACG/ECM_SYNC_ARMAT - Sync reserved materials with FSM

Optionally enable parallel upload flow of the SAP FSM Transporter component to improve full sync performance.

Company setting ‘TransporterSettings.MaxParallelUploadBatches’. Learn more:Initial-/full-sync performance improvement - parallel communication with SAP FSM


Full sync / manual mass data transfer’s performance

Full sync’s/manual mass data transfer’s performance can be enhanced by using the program /PACG/ECM_IDOC_30_DIRECT_SEND. Generated idocs should remain in status 30 and then be processed by the program. Idocs will be collected into packages. The report provides better efficiency of processing large number of idocs than the regular full sync process.


Further information

  • Input parameters are required.

  • The program requires changes in idoc processing (transaction WE20):

  • Do not to send more than 100-200 items in a package, since it could cause overload of webservices.


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