/PACG/ECM_DEL_ATTS - Delete Attachments

/PACG/ECM_DEL_ATTS - Delete Attachments

In order to reduce storage taken by FSM-relevant attachments, use this deletion report to remove them. The report supports deletion of GOS/BDS/(S4)PACG 200 SP08 DMS attachments. When a DMS attachment is selected for deletion, all the original files from the related DMS document will be deleted and the document will be marked for deletion.

Please note that attachments will be removed only from SAP ECC/S4, no deletion requests will be transferred to FSM.

Make sure to specify company ID plus creation date range and/or object ID range.

Background mode

Remove attachments without displaying an additional selection screen.

Download attachments

Export the attachments meant for deletion to your local computer or application server. Make sure to specify the export folder.


After clicking execute, without the background mode enabled, the following selection list will be displayed:

Select the attachments relevant for deletion and click ‘Delete’.



Deleted Idocs

Remove attachments for Idocs which may not exist anymore (idocs which are not found in table /PACG/ECM_CIDOCS but attachment relationships exist in SRGBTBREL).

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