/PACG/ECM_EOAS - Object Assignment

/PACG/ECM_EOAS - Object Assignment

Each object type needs to be assigned to one of the assignment areas.

Improved search helps added in ADD-ON 200 SP06


The assignment area determines the main criterion based on which FSM Cloud Connector allows for the transfer of a given object to a given company. The content of this transaction is prefilled by the setup program. It can be adjusted to the customer’s needs, however, only within implementation scope - use the ‘search help’ button to check what other assignment options are available for a given object type.


Assignment areas

ADD-ON 200 SP11 Although materials (ITEM) are most likely sent to FSM based on sales area assignment, they could also be plant or no object-dependent. Plant-dependent materials require assignment of object MDOC to the relevant plants in /PACG/ECM_PLAS - Plant Assignment(you should have both objects ITEM and MDOC defined in the same way in this transaction). Materials can also be partially sales area- and partially plant-dependent, learn more: /PACG/ECM_ITYPE – Material Group and Company assignment | (S4)pacg 200 SP11 Plant dep.. See also Master data | Object assignment scenarios for materials

  • Sales Area - a given object is sales area-dependent. In transaction /PACG/ECM_SAASG - Sales Area Assignment specify which sales areas are relevant for a given object type, in a given company. Only objects created in these sales areas can be transferred to a given company. This assignment applies to CUSTOMER for instance. ADD-ON 200 SP10 From SP10 there is not necessary to assign Activity objects to the Sales Area. ADD-ON 200 SP12 Since the Activity object is not mandatory, it is no longer visible in search help.

  • Personal Area - a given object is personnel area-dependent. In transaction /PACG/ECM_PAAS - Personnel Area assignments specify which personnel areas are relevant for a given object type, in a given company. Only objects created in these personnel areas can be transferred to a given company. This assignment applies to EMPLOYEE for instance.

  • Purchasing Organization - a given object is purchasing organization-dependent. In transaction /PACG/ECM_EKAS - Purchasing Organization assignments specify which purchasing organizations are relevant for a given object type, in a given company. Only objects created in these purchasing organizations can be transferred to a given company. This assignment applies to VENDOR for instance.

  • ADD-ON 200 sp04 Company Code - a given object is SAP (not FSM!) company code-dependent. In transaction /PACG/ECM_CCAS - Company Code assignments specify which company codes are relevant for a given object type, in a given company. Only objects created in these company codes can be transferred to a given company. Please note that this option is supported only for the CUSTOMER object, by default CUSTOMER is sales area-dependent.

  • No Object - a given object is purely FSM company-dependent. This option is used for objects which can’t be mapped with any of the areas above. It must still be stated that objects of a given type can be transferred to a given company. In transaction /PACG/ECM_NOAS - No Object Assignment specify which companies a given object type can be sent to. This assignment applies to CURRENCY or PERSONRESERVTYPE for instance. ADD-ON 200 SP12 Since the Activity object is not mandatory for No object assignments, it is no more visible in the search help.


Please note that it is possible to have a different setup, which is an exception from general rules described above.
In Transaction Plan Assignment /PACG/ECM_PLAS the object SERVICECALL can be assigned to the plant. On the other hand, the same object SERVICECALL can be also assigned in the transaction Sales Area Assignment /PACG/ECM_SAASG. This is needed in the case when equipments do not have organization assignment, as the entry in the Sales Area Assignment is responsible for maintaining the sales area for the service order creation. Since equipments do not have organization assignment, the SERVICECALL entry in transaction /PACG/ECM_SAASG is needed.

Please note that this set up works well in some cases but is not widely recommended by proaxia.


Limiting the allowed assignment options

ADD-ON 200 SP06

All object types should be assigned only to assignment options (plant/sales area/purchasing organization/company code/no object) foreseen by the FSM Cloud Connector logic. Incorrect assignment can lead to transfer issues. To facilitate the customizing process as well as limit customizing errors, we deliver a pre-configuration transaction, which limits the available assignment options for a given object - /PACG/ECM_EOAS_PRE. The transaction reflects the current state of FSM Cloud Connector logic, e.g. ACTIVITY can be assigned only to sales area.


The pre-configuration is filled by the setup program. It limits the available values displayed in the object assignment transaction (/PACG/ECM_EOAS) for a given object.


If necessary for customer enhancements, the pre-configuration table can be adjusted to the customer’s needs.


ADD-ON 200 SP12 The assignments for Activity are automatically deleted by executing /PACG/ECM_SETUP - FSM Connector's Setup, since this object is no more required for proper transfer to the FSM. In addition, activity object is removed from Sales area assignments and No object assignments.


ADD-ON 200 SP04

Customers set as default in transaction /PACG/ECM_SCTDD - Service call typ - Default values can always be sent to SAP FSM to the company assigned in the above transactions, even if their sales area/company code/no object assignment would indicate that they shouldn’t be sent (see transaction /PACG/ECM_EOAS - Object Assignment, as well as /PACG/ECM_SAASG - Sales Area Assignment, /PACG/ECM_CCAS - Company Code assignments and /PACG/ECM_NOAS - No Object Assignment).


In certain scenarios, those generic customers usually do not have contract account and sales area but are still required for every company. Starting from add-on 200 SP04 they’ll be always unconditionally sent (e.g. using the sending transaction /PACG/ECM_CUSTMASTER - Customer, address, contact person).


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