/PACG/ECM_EQ1 - Equipment Settings

/PACG/ECM_EQ1 - Equipment Settings

Define how equipment and technical locations are transferred to the Cloud.

Part of equipment customizing settings (such as what is sent as equipment in outbound service call/activity idocs) can be found in transactions /PACG/ECM_SCG - Service call general settings and /PACG/ECM_ACTIVE – General Properties of E4C Activity

Customizing options


Customize sending rules for equipment and functional location. Possible options are: only equipment, only functional location, both.

E.g. it’s not possible to send an equipment with the sending transaction if 'Equi&telo' is set to ‘Only Functional Location’,

In the past service calls' and activities' equipment was also regulated by this setting. Currently, it is customized separately in the ‘SEND_EQUI’ field of transaction /PACG/ECM_SCG - Service call general settings for service call equipment and/PACG/ECM_ACTIVE – General Properties of E4C Activity for activity equipment.

LText Rule Equi

Defines the source of the Equipment Text, either from the Equipment, from the Characteristics or from the internal Note. See also /PACG/ECM_EQCHA - Equipment Characteristics

LText TeLo

Defines the source of the Technical Location Text, either from the Technical Location or from the Characteristics or the internal Note

No Owner Equi

Send Equipment also when Sold-to is empty

No Owner TeLo

Send Technical Location also when Sold-to is empty

Address determ.

Standard, Equipment - or Equipment ship-to

Notif. Type E

Define Notification type per Equipment (History will be written into Notification)

Notif. Type T

Define Notification Type per Technical Location (History will be written into Notification)

Send Attachment

GOS Attachments per Equipment / Technical Location will be transmitted.

Name Rule

Rule for Equipment name generation

Planning Plant

Use Planning Plant, not maintenance plant to determine sending relevance

No ID as ManSer

Do not use Equipment ID as Manufacturer serial number

Partner Source

Equipment's Partner Source - controls where the information about business partners is taken from:

Following options are available:

  • Equipment ('space') - Read partners from equipment

  • Functional location ('X') - Read partners from related functional location

  • Functional location, Equipment ('A') - Read partners from the related functional location and if there is no related functional location then read partners from equipment.

  • (S4)PACG 200 SP07 Equi or Inherit partners from parent object ('B') - Read partners from equipment and if no partner roles were defined for that equipment get partners inherited from parent object in the equipment structure. This option works in an analogical way in case of functional locations.

Contact Person

Partner Function


Specify which partner (based on the entered partner function) should be sent as equipment’s Business Partner. E.g. if ‘SP’ is entered, the equipment’s sold-to party Partner will be sent as Business Partner.


Partners are retrieved from table IHPA (Plant Maintenance: Partners).

Respons. person role

Define a partner role which represents the person responsible (owner) for the tool. The owner should be sent to the cloud.

The role VU - user responsible is maintained in SAP

The role User responsible is defined to tool (equipment) partner functions

After saving and sending tool to FSM, the tool responsible person defined for tool is updated in FSM:



When enabled, IFLOT-TPLNR (functional location ID) will be used to build functional location key instead of IFLOT-ILOAN (Loc/AccAssmt).

  • If alternative labeling is enabled for functional locations (transaction OIPU), keep this field disabled, otherwise objects may duplicate.

  • If you haven’t transferred functional location objects to FSM yet and don’t use alternative labeling, please enable this field. Using ILOAN as the functional location key is a legacy approach.

  • Please do not change this setting if you have already transferred functional locations to FSM, this may cause object duplicates.

Equip. ServOrd / FL. ServOrd

Send master data for all equipment/functional location related to the service order.

Equi. LeadZero Del

Deletion Flag of Equipment Leading Zeros


Equipment created in the FSM will be replicated to the FSM Connector and created in the system using this defined category. Currently selection of equipment category directly in FSM is not supported.


Send sub. hier.

When sending equipment/functional location, generate outbound idocs with all the equipments/functional locations belonging to the structure of the one that was initially being sent.


(S4)PACG 200 SP14 / 300 sp1

It is displayed only if ‘Send sub.hier’ checkbox is ticked. See also /PACG/ECM_SCG - Service call general settings | Max.No.Equi/FL.


This parameter, if filled, controls the number of equipment sent to FSM when sending of subhierarchy is enabled. It is meant to prevent accidental sending of hierarchies containing thousands of elements. It is applicable only if sending of subhierarchies is enabled.

When the value is empty, the parameter is ignored by the Connector.

The default value of this parameter equals 1000.

This parameter is ignored in full sync mode.

Send Material

Send Material from iBase as equipment

Send Equi Chs As UDF

Enable sending of equipment ((S4)PACG 200 SP11 as well as functional location) characteristics values as UDF data (dedicated segments in outbound equipment idocs).

Learn more: Equipment/functional location characteristics - transfer and update

SerNo. LeadZero Del

The setting enables sending equipment serial number without leading zeros (field ‘SERIALNR’ in idoc of type /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_EQUI).

To test the functionality, transfer an equipment with transaction /PACG/ECM_EQUI. The equipment should have a serial number maintained. Find the generated idoc of type /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_EQUI and notice that there are no leading zeros in the ‘SERIALNR’ field.


The leading zeros are absent in FSM too.



Functional location category

When a new functional location is added from FSM it will be created using this category

Send Attachment

If checked, documents such as protocols and certificates attached in SAP ERP should be sent to SAP FSM as attachments linked to the tool equipment object  

Following tool (equipment) has some attachments linked in SAP:

After sending tool to FSM, the attachments are visible in FSM:

No Owner TeLo

If checked, Equipment of type ‘Tool’ should be sent to SAP FSM Cloud without an owner. This option allows to send the object without business partner. 

In case when the equipment (tool) is not linked with any partner and the option is checked the equipment (tool) is sent to FSM.

In case when the equipment (tool) is not linked with any partner and the option is not checked, the deletion IDOCs are created and the tool is not visible in FSM  


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