/PACG/ECM_WRHQUANT - Quantities to send

/PACG/ECM_WRHQUANT - Quantities to send


This configuration defines which stock level quantities for material can be sent to SAP FSM beside the available stock level per storage location:


If checked, (reserved) committed quantity will be sent to the cloud (committed quantity specifies the quantity that is available or that can be delivered on confirmed date using warehouse stock and/or receipts).

Ordered Quantity

If checked, ordered quantity will be sent to the cloud (quantity for which orders have been recorded, but again no delivery was yet made)

deprecated Customer Cons.

If checked, customer consignation quantity will be sent to the cloud

(S4)PACG 200 SP05

Item after each

Trigger item sending (therefore stock update in FSM) after each material movement, even if it’s not activated in transaction /PACG/ECM_IWLON, field ‘Send stock level’. This setting can be used to reduce customizing efforts.

(S4)PACG 200 SP06

Usd/Tr SAP

When transferring reserved material entries from SAP to FSM (idocs /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_RMAT_OUT), fill the 'used' and 'moved' (transferred) quantities using values from SAP ECC/S4 (table /PACG/ECM_ARMAT). Usually these properties are updated in FSM directly after material consumption/transfer and there's no need to send them from SAP. The only currently known use case when the 'used'/'moved' quantities must be sent in a reserved material idoc is when a shipped and at the same time partially consumed/transferred component is reassigned to another operation and thus should be moved to another activity - keeping the partial available quantity. Otherwise, the used quantity would be reset, and a technician could use more material than planned. If component reassignment functionality is not used, please keep this field disabled.

Learn more about the functionality of component reassignment: https://proaxia-prod-doc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PFCC/pages/1689223169



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