/PACG/ECM_USRADR - E4C users with addresses
This transaction is obsolete for FSM Cloud Connector instances upgraded to PACG110 SP03 or S4PACG100 SP03 (Service Pack 3 for FSM Connector) (and higher).
Use one of the new transactions instead: https://proaxia-prod-doc.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=PFCC&title=%2FPACG%2FECM_MAINT_USER%20-%20E4C%20users%20with%20addresses%20-%20obsolete&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=37138311 or a simplified version: /PACG/ECM_USER - Simplified users' maintenance.
Within this configuration, you can define specific addresses for a specific person. When defining this configuration, it is also important to remember exactly one 'default' address. Once we define the most specific settings for specific users, it is a good practice to set all three types of addresses (Home / Work / Other). This will avoid inconsistencies between the general configuration and the specific one for the user. (i.e. two addresses will be marked as 'default').
The user which needs to be transferred to the cloud needs to be defined in this transaction either with SAP user or personnel in this configuration. If there is a need to use a user (system user) attached to the employee for posting in SAP from FSM, then a user is to be defined in SU01. It is to be noted, only the combination of user + personnel (employee) OR personnel (employee) is a valid combination of data to be available to FSM. Furthermore, some cloud attributes need to be defined.
Subcontractor | Indicates whether a user is acting as an external supplier / the personnel number here refers to an external technician. |
Plannable | Indicates whether a user is plannable in the FSM resource planner |
SAP User | If the login is based on SAP username, the name must be linked to the master data in transaction PA30. |
Not active | Make the master data record corresponding to technician/person inactive. |
Permission ID | Assign a permission group based on entries entered in transaction /PACG/ECM_VFSMPG - FSM Users' permission groups . |
FSM Usr ac | The setting is similar to field ‘Not active’. While the mentioned setting when set to true will make the master data record corresponding to technician/person inactive, the ‘FSM Usr ac’ field concerns User only. |
Addresses for E4C Users
For each user, default address can be set for sending to cloud, depending on the settings made in "/PACG/ECM_USERG – User – General Settings" under the "No address" checkbox (if no addresses to be sent).
Address Type | Types of Addresses within FSM (Work, Home, Other) |
Subtype | Subtypes are subdivisions of infotypes. The various subtypes of an infotype can be assigned different time constraints, and a separate data history can be maintained for each user or personnel. |
Address source | PERSONNEL AREA ADDRESSThe field is used to specify a new address determination - if checked, the address will be taken from the personnel area for the currently processed employee/user. SHIP-TO ADDRESS
Determine a technician’s home address, territory and region based on its business partner’s ship-to address.
Linkage between a technician and its business partner should be configured in transaction /PACG/ECM_WRHKU - E4C warehouse - Customer Consignat. . If more than one business partner is assigned to a technician, one entry should be checked as 'Def. Ship-to Partner' and serve the purpose of address source.
The address is determined during transfer of an employee with transaction /PACG/ECM_EMPL - Employee. The territory object key can be found in an idoc of type /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_USER, segment /PACG/ECM_IS_GROUPDATA.
The region object key can be found in the same idoc, segment /PACG/ECM_IS_REGIONDATA.
Apart from an idoc of type /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_USER, an idoc of type /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_ADDRESS is generated. The customer’s ship-to address can be found in segment /PACG/ECM_IS_ADR.
The new default address, territory and region can be found in SAP FSM Master Data (‘People’, tabs ‘Addresses’, ‘Territory’ and ‘Regions’). It is possible that the technician’s business partner has multiple SH partners defined. If one of the SH partners is marked as Default, then the address of that SH will be used. If more than one SH partners will be found and none of them will be default, no address data will be sent. A prerequisite for territory sending within an employee object is setting the ‘Object’ field in transaction /PACG/ECM_P_GR to ‘R Address Region’. To send a region value, the second field with the same name should also be set to ‘R Address Region’. Moreover, make sure that the used regions had been transferred to SAP FSM. |
Linking system user to personnel
Linking a system user to an employee (personnel number) is done by creating an infotype 0105 (Communication) in transaction PA30.
Example of linking system user to personnel - addresses:
Example of infotype 0006 with subtype 1:
Address type "WORK" is set with subtype 1.
In FSM, under master data for people you will see the addresses here.
If a technician is set as "Subcontractor", and only has a personnel number assigned to it, both employee (/PACG/ECM_EMPL - Employee) and user (/PACG/ECM_USERMASTER - User) must be sent to FSM as the user (ERPUSER) is the one that allows the logon to the mobile FSM app.
This user example (USER15) is identified by the "External resource" in FSM.
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