/PACG/ECM_UDFG_UDF - Build UDF and UDFG out of Class.
Automatically build UDF groups and UDFs based on classes (UDF groups) and characteristics (UDFs).
(S4)PACG 200 SP14Send UDF to FSM | When activated, newly generated UDFs and UDF groups are automatically transferred to FSM to all relevant companies |
No UDF group | The resulting UDFs are not linked to any UDF group. |
(S4)PACG 200 SP14 Before UDFs get created, a preview list is displayed to allow users verifications if objects that are to be created are correct.
Generated UDFs
If a characteristic contains values, they are converted to UDF values. (S4)PACG 200 SP12 Numeric characteristics result in UDFs of type SELECTIONLIST or SELECTIONLISTWITHFREETEXT (if additional values are allowed). Their descriptions consist of the values concatenated with units.
UDFs generated with the /PACG/ECM_UDFG_UDF report have the ‘SourceCharacteristic’ value automatically filled with the name of the characteristic used as its source.
UDF groups in transaction /PACG/ECM_UDFG_CONF will have the ‘Source class’ field filled with the name of the characteristic class.
Since (S4)PACG 200 SP15 / 300 SP02, for characteristics of data type character format with a predefined set of values, the program retrieves not only value code (e.g. ‘1') but also description (e.g. ‘High’) - then uses the concatanation as UDF description. The description is retrieved for all languages added in /PACG/ECM_LANG - Language Definition.
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