Service assignment status

Service assignment status

With the Service Assignment Status outgoing object,  workflow step statuses can also be sent from SAP to the cloud and set the status of an FSM activity/service call. The object can be activated in transaction /PACG/ECM_SASA – Relation Assignment Status – Service Order User Status, in the “Direction” field. Service order user statuses can be customized to be sent from FSM to SAP, SAP to FSM or both directions.

After assigning a status profile (ZTEST) and a user status (E001) to a workflow step (travel) in transaction /PACG/ECM_SASA and to a service order in transaction IW32, an idoc of type /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_SERV_ASS_OUT is sent. The workflow step of the activity got changed to ‘travel’ in FSM. 


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