ECC - E4C Setup Program

ECC - E4C Setup Program

E4C Setup program configures all technical E4C Settings. Launch E4C Area Menu by entering /n/PACG/EC in the command field. The E4C Area Menu should appear. You will find E4C Setup program in the Administration node:

Setup program should be started for each FSM company:

Each FSM company is defined by Model View, Partner and Port (you have created them in the previous steps). Use F4 Search to select them. The Program can be run in Test mode (only for showing the configuration status).

Unmark "Test Mode" to perform an actual configuration. Once you execute the program the protocol will be presented:

Review the protocol, check of there are no errors or warnings (exclude the Information messages if you want by pressing the last button

Before executing the program review the selection screen parameters (specifying the actions performed by the Setup Program).

Notice, that following checkboxes are not set by default:

  • In the past E4C used SAP sales activities. Because of end of life of this object there is a new object created E4C. Proaxia recommends using E4C activities.

  • Add. subscr. In SD Trans. – for using of FSM Opportunities E4C uses SAP SD activities. If you mark this option, the Setup Program will create a new tab in the VC01N transaction,

  • Equipment history – This action adds an enhancement for program RISERNR1 (Serial number history) which can be called from IE02 transaction. By using this enhancement, the program shows also Coresuite Checklists in the results list.

  • DMS – E4C can use SAP document system for storing documents received from FSM (transactions CV01N, CV02N, CV03N)

  • Logical Path Definitions – This is option is for printing documents from sales activity cockpit

  • Reset values to default – After running the setup and changing setup content you can restore the initial values


Full sync should be done with the “Only users” parameter switched on. This prevents the cloud to create EMPLOYEES first. The idocs in the cloud are processed asynchronously and it might happen that EMPLOYEE will be created before ERPUSER. If something like that happens, the reference could be incorrect. Additionally, if the above parameter is marked, not all employees are sent to the cloud. The employees are sent from the table /PACG/ECM_UNIPER.


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