FSM Cloud Connector Monitoring Cockpit

FSM Cloud Connector Monitoring Cockpit


Use FSM Cloud Connector Menu (Transaction /PACG/EC), choose "Customizing" node and execute the "Cockpit Configuration" transaction to configure FSM Cloud Connector Monitoring Cockpit:

There is one record necessary:

Please enter:

  • FSM Cloud Connector technical username

  • SAP Workflow user

  • Job name for processing unprocessed incoming IDOCs (SAP Standard program RBDMANI2).

Using of FSM Cloud Connector Monitoring Cockpit

Use FSM Cloud Connector (E4C) Menu, choose "Administration" node and choose "IDOC Cockpit" transaction to start FSM Cloud Connector Monitoring Cockpit:

Alternatively use the transaction code /PACG/ECM_COCKPIT (remember to prefix the transaction name with "/n" when executing the transaction manually). FSM Cloud Connector Monitoring Cockpit starts with following screen:

There is a navigation panel for choosing the given company or all companies in the top left area:

After choosing a company, the Monitoring Cockpit shows data for the given company in the upper part:

In the IDOC Part click one of 24 buttons to analyze IDOCs for example:

There are for possibilities in IDOC Report:

  • Set IDOC as processed (set IDOC status)

  • Process IDOC – call transaction BD87

  • Display processing log as in transactions WE02/WE05

  • Display IDOC content as in transactions WE02/WE05

The top right panel presents the information about the status of incoming and outgoing FSM Cloud Connector queues. It is possible to call transactions SMQ1 and SMQ2:

The middle panel presents the information about FSM Cloud Connector entries in COGI Transaction. It is possible to call transaction COGI:

The bottom panel consists of 5 parts:

  1. An Information about a Job for processing of unprocessed IDOCS und a possibility to call transaction SM37 (Job overview):

  2. Runtime errors overview and a possibility to call transaction ST22:

  3. Show FSM Cloud Connector Logs – transaction SLG1 is launched (for the given user or all users):

  4. Status of Message Broker and a possibility to call a transaction performing connection test to the Message Broker:

  5. Status of SAP Workflow Configuration:

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