Incoming Service (FSM to SAP)

Incoming Service (FSM to SAP)

Here we will guide you through the configuration of the SAP web service. After completing all the steps you should have a working communication channel from message broker to SAP system.

  1. Start with running transaction SOAMANAGER.

  2. Go to Service Administration tab (default tab of SOA Manager so most likely you are there already)

  3. And then to Web Service Configuration

  4. Next - use the available search box to find ‘*pacg*’ objects and select /PACG/ECM_WS

Search for PACG web service
  1. Followingly in the ‘Configuration’ tab define new service (a biding is also created) - press ‘Create Service’ button

  2. Define service name, binding name and add description. Names and description should be meaningful as usual - there are no further requirements in this area.

  3. Press ‘Next’ and continue to ‘Provider Security'.

    1. In ‘Transport Level Security’ section you must select either ‘None’ if using HTTP connection or 'SSL' in case of HTTPS. You can learn more on the topic here: Setting up secure (HTTPS) connection from FSM Message Broker to SAP system.

    2. Then in the ‘Authentication Settings’ section, ‘Transport Channel Authentication’ subsection tick ‘User ID/Password’ - this allows message broker to login with user and password when connecting to this web service.

  4. Press ‘Next’ and continue to ‘SOAP Protocol'.
    Here it is not really necessary to change nor add anything, you can simply press ‘Finish’ but the ‘Access URL’ is actually a path to the web service. It is needed to complete configuration of a message broker - Url property in the ‘SapDefinitions’ section. When you click ‘Finish’ and then come back here (edit or view) you will find ‘Calculated Access URL’ displayed. You can then copy it and paste to your message broker configuration but you could also use ‘Alternative Access URL’. Here you can basically enter anything you want and this can be used as a path to the service. In the same time the calculated Access URL is still valid.



  5. Next step would be setting the correct URL in your message broker config file. So how to tell what is the correct URL? It must follow the pattern URL follows this simple pattern: [protocol]://[host]:[port][path].

    1. The protocol is either HTTP or HTTPS, the right one depends on what was defined in the web service definition (above).

    2. ‘Host' is just an address of your SAP system, if you don’t know it, you can check it in the SMICM (ICM Monitor) transaction:

      1. Start SMICM in your SAP system

      2. From the menu select ‘Goto’ → ‘Services’

      3. Then select interesting line either corresponding to HTTP service or HTTPS, depending which of them you intend to use (within SAP these settings are system-wide) and display details - thus you should get the host name and the port number that the service uses (it does not have to be the default one like 80 or 443).

      4. Once you have all the components you can out your URL together and enter it in the message broker config file


  6. Activating web service. In theory new service/binding in SAP is activated on creation. This is displayed in the bindings' list:

    However it can happen that even SOA Manager says that service is active - it is not. If you needed to activate such a service you should do it in transaction SICF.

    1. Start SICF transaction

    2. In the initial screen simply execute the transaction

    3. Then find your service - the services' tree corresponds to the service calculated path e.g. Calculated Access URL is ‘/sap/bc/srt/rfc/pacg/ecm_ws/200/fsm2sap/fsm2sap’ and then activate it. All nodes from top to bottom must be black - that means they are active







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