Inbound attachments - process example
According to the company-dependent Inbound configuration below, all service call attachments from company 1 will be saved as DMS attachments.
The DMS configuration is set as follows:
Add an attachment of any file type for a service call in SAP FSM.
An inbound idoc of type /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_ATTCHM_IN should be generated.
Navigate to transaction CV03N. Enter the document number and type. The document number may be filled automatically, if not, it can be found in the idoc’s log.
Notice that the document type, status and storage category correspond to the maintained configuration.
The service call for which the attachment was created can be found under the ‘Object links’ tab.
According to the company-dependent General attachment configuration below, all inbound attachments from company 1 will be stored as GOS attachments.
The company-dependent general attachment configuration will not be overwirtten by object- or file type-specific inbound configuration in this case.
Create an attachment for a service call in SAP FSM.
An inbound idoc of type /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_ATTCHM_IN should be generated.
Navigate to the corresponding service order’s attachment list in transaction IW33.
Notice that the attachment can be found in SAP as a GOS attachment.
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