General Settings
This section describes in general, the requirement in setting up the VSS Communication Framework. You are required to go through these settings before you execute the application.
Technical Setup
The following technical setup is required before configuring the framework for your business requirement.
Communication Framework utilizes bgRFC engine for asynchronous event processing. It assumes that bgRFC is configured and working in the system. Information about bgRFC setup can be found in SAP help under following link:
loading... | SAP Help Portal , bgRFC inbound queue for Communication Framework must be defined. Following manual activities are required to setup the queue:
Run SBGRFCCONF transaction.
Go to: “Define Inbound Dest.”.
Create new destination:
Destination name: /DBE/CF_EVT_BGRFC_INBOUND000
Queue prefix: QSCR_
Save changes.
SAP FIORI Notification Activation
Communication Framework uses Fiori notifications as the main channel to provide notifications to the user. In order to enable this channel, following technical setup is required to be done in the system.
Fiori notifications must be enabled in the system and available to the end user in Fiori launchpad. For details about Fiori notification enablement, you can refer to SAP documentation under following link:
Please note, that depending on the system landscape (embedded or separate frontend server), some activities must be done separately in frontend and backend system, or only in backend system.
When Fiori Notifications are enabled and working in the system, there is one last step required to activate Communication Framework provider for notifications. Following manual activities are required:
Open SAP Customizing IMG > ABAP Platform > Notification Channel > Notification Channel Provider Enablement > Administration > Notification Provider Settings > Manage Notification Providers (or run transaction /IWNGW/VB_REG_P),
Choose “New Entries”,
Select /DBE/CF_NOTIF_PROVIDER as Notification Provider ID,
Save changes.
Communication Framework delivers a couple of predefined PFCG roles, that can be used directly or as template to enable different parts of this functionality. Following roles are available:
Backend server
/DBE/CMF – role contains full authorizations for Communication Framework components (Task and attachment) + access to Task Center application OData services
Frontend server
/DBE/NOTIF_UI – enables Fiori Notifications in the launchpad
/DBE/CMF_UI – gives access to Communication Framework Fiori Task Center application
Customizing and Application Settings
With the introduction of the VSS Communication Framework in VSS 4.0, the VSS SPRO customizing menu tree is updated with the “Communication Framework” customizing menu.
Transaction code: /DBE/SPRO
Path: In Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose “Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) > Common Functions > Communication Framework”.
In addition to the customizing, a new menu tree is also added to the SAP Easy Access menu tree for the communication framework related master data maintenance and application settings.
Path: SAP Easy Access screen, choose “Logistics > Logistics Execution > Vehicle Sales and Service > Communication Framework”.
Please refer to the “VSS 4.0 Configuration Guide” for more detail on how to configure the framework.