This is the transaction for manual sending of material from SAP ERP backend to FSM Cloud. In normal case, it is an automatic process of sending material triggered by changes in material master.
(S4)PACG 200 SP08
The 3 selection criteria: Plant, Storage location and Customer consigment allows to define which material must be send with more greater precision. These options are very useful when user add new storage location or customer consigment. To avoid sending every items to all warehouses, it is possible to choose only one storage location/customer consigment that is newly added. Plant must be filled by user to execute report. This solution much improve performance of sending items process. In search help there are only records that exist in transactions /PACG/ECM_WRHSE and /PACG_ECM_WRHSK.
Restrict item selection applies to only the materials which have non-zero unrestricted stock on the entered storage location/locations or on a given customer’s stock (on any plant which is entered in /PACG/ECM_WRHSK).