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Create hierarchies
The customer must define a structure of his company in the system. This structure can be defined flexible by each customer.
The lowest level is a single resource. These resources can be assigned:
- in SAP UI5 application: Hierarchy Assignment
- in the SAP back end
- using own program (Table for assigning resources to hierarchies: /DBME/WMA_AHIRE)
Organization structure
Maintenance of Hierarchies
A hierarchy can be defined as:
- Company
- Dealer (the real dealer site also shown in the Appointment Scheduling)
- Region
- Workers Group
Each hierarchy ID can be assigned to more than one Hierarchies above. Example is for example a Group of Workers are working in the same dealer site, but the dealer should be separated into different dealers (due to different brands).
To create a hierarchy go to change mode with button. It is now possible to copy an existing one or to create a new one.
Creating a new hierarchy the following fields must be maintained:
- Hierarchy ID: Key of the hierarchy node; there is no limitation of characters (32) and case-sensitive
- Hierarchy Type: This field defines the type of Hierarchy; this can be defined in the customizing; The hierarchy type defines the icon in the SAP UI5. Application assigning the resources to the hierarchy
- Description: Description of the hierarchy
- Is real workshop: Is this flag set, the hierarchy will be shown in the appointment scheduling
Showing a dealer site (hierarchy node) in the appointment Scheduling
- First Day: It is now possible depending on the hierarchy to define on which day the week is starting. 1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday
The starting day - WP
- Geolocation: for a real workshop the GPS – data can be maintained here to show dealer site in the map
Showing a dealer site (hierarchy note) in the appointment scheduling in the map
- Org data: The organization data for company code, plant, sales organization, distribution channel and division must be maintained for the hierarchy type dealer. With this information the system can create a business object in SAP (e.g. a VSS Order)
- Agreement group
Agreement determination can be set in SAP- Master Data > Appointment Scheduling > Agreement determination. Thanks to this function before an appointment will be scheduled the agreements will appear. Moreover, it can be chosen which agreement confirmation are obligatory- without selecting them in UI5/OAS the procedure will not move on and the appointment will not be scheduled.
Agreement determination
Agreement determination- condition processing
- Parameters group
Additional parameter determination can be set in SAP- Master Data > Appointment Scheduling > Additional parameter determination. Here can be set parameters which will be visible in OAS and IAS. There can be set parameters as e.g. “meeting with service advisor”, “towing service”, “replacement car” or things as SMS/e-mail reminders.