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Learn more about general mileage inbound processing from the diagram on page Mileage.

Determine values used for activity allocation document posting for recorded mileages, based on company ID and optionally - source cost center, mileage type, ‘chargeable’, 'driver' and ‘private car’ properties. Notice that the first seven fields are used only to retrieve a relevant set of properties on the right, during inbound mileage processing. An entry should match exactly the data received from SAP FSM. The only exception is source cost center - if no entry for the given company ID, cost center, mileage type, charge type, drive and private car properties is found, an entry matching all these properties apart from cost center is searched for.

Configuration entry determination

(key based on which a specific entry is retrieved for inbound mileage processing)

Source cost center

During inbound mileage processing the source cost center is determined based on setting ‘CC booking' in transaction /PACG/ECM_MLGG – Mileage – General Settings. The retrieved value is then compared with the content of the ‘Source cost center’ field in the Mileage Definition transaction to find a relevant configuration entry (the combination of all other properties received from SAP FSM should also be matched). This field serves only as an optional, additional ‘filter' for mileage configuration determination.

If no entry for the retrieved source cost center is found, an entry with empty source cost center is considered.

DEPRECATED Mileage type

This property is hidden from the view starting from (S4)PACG 200 SP10. Please do not use it.

MlgTypeFromUDF (formerly ‘Mileage type’)

The mileage type value to be retrieved from a special mileage type UDF. The UDF ID used to hold such values should be entered beforehand in transaction /PACG/ECM_MLU – UDF for Mileage.


Mileage properties set during mileage recording on the SAP FSM mobile app.


Private car

Cost document properties



Activity type

Activity type to be used for activity allocation document posting.

Cost center

Cost center to be used for activity allocation document posting.

Operation level

[obsolete] Activate posting on Operation level.

Fixed cost document

Set quantity

Post a fixed KB21N cost document. If the ‘Set quantity’ setting is unchecked, the distance entered in SAP FSM will be used. Otherwise, the fixed quantity and unit from fields ‘Activity quantity’ and ‘Activity unit’ will be used.

Activity quantity

Activity unit

Travel time

ActiTypTravTime / OLD LABEL ActTyp

Activity type from this field will be used for travel time posting, in CATS or confirmation entry.

Mileage allowance / mileage as expense

Expense code

In addition to the mileage booking, a booking can be made via Expenses in order to post kilometers and a travel lump sum. The ‘Expense code' field is required to fill and the 'Payment type’ is optional.

An expense is calculated based on the rate entered in transaction /PACG/ECM_MLGA - Mileage allowance.

Optionally, enter ‘Sales Tax Code’ for additional filter during Expense configuration determination.

Payment type

Tax code

Example of posting actual mileage with expenses (travel lump sum) together

There is only one mileage submission from SAP FSM mobile app, but from the FSM Cloud Connector side, the mileage is posted with an additional expense (travel lump sum).

The expense code in the above example "D" refers to transaction /PACG/ECM_VEXPNS entry below.

Amount = 300 km x 0.15 = 45
Mileage rate = 0.15 (see for further info below).

The calculation for the expense is based on the entries in /PACG/ECM_MLGA - Mileage allowance

A figure of 45 is posted as expenses for 300 km mileage submission. The "Ctr" here is checked against the PA30 infotype 0006 (Address) country key.

Example of posting fixed mileage with expenses together

In this example, the mileage submission is ignored for cost posting. A fixed mileage quantity is set. In the below example, it is defaulted to 200 km.

However, for the expenses, it will still use the 300 km submitted mileage for calculation.

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