/PACG/ECM_TRIG_SERCD - Activity Codes from SAP Inspection Catalog Codes

/PACG/ECM_TRIG_SERCD - Activity Codes from SAP Inspection Catalog Codes

This is the transaction for manual sending of activity codes from SAP ERP backend - activity codes based on SAP Catalog Codes (SAP Menu -> Logistics -> Customer Service -> Service Processing -> Environment -> Catalog -> Code Groups -> QS41/2/3) to FSM Cloud. Notice that this is an alternative for Activity Codes based on E4C Tables. 

Please note that starting form SAP Release 2105 and above the long description of activity code is being sent to cloud as well.

Please see the below code set up along with long description:

After sending the codes with the transaction /PACG/ECM_TRIG_SERCD -  Send Activity Codes from SAP Catalog Codes - the long description can be found in FSM in Query API:

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