Automatically build UDF groups and UDFs based on classes (UDF groups) and characteristics (UDFs).
With the ‘No UDF group’ option set, all the created UDFs no longer have the cloud message type ‘UDFMETAGROUP’ but the one entered in the building program before execution (e.g. ‘EQUIPMENT’, ‘ACTIVITY’). Also no UDF group is created. This setting is recommended for most use cases.
New UDF groups and UDFs can be displayed with transactions /PACG/ECM_UDFG_CONF and /PACG/ECM_UDF_CONF.
UDFs generated with /PACG/ECM_UDFG_UDF have the ‘SourceCharacteristic’ value automatically filled with the name of the characteristic used as its source.
UDF groups in transaction /PACG/ECM_UDFG_CONF will have the ‘Source class’ field filled with the name of the characteristic class.