Create Business Partner - type Private
Every time the user creates a new BP, of type Private, a duplication check takes place based on the outlined process:
The system checks if there is an existing BP with the same First Name, Last Name and Email. If a BP is found then the following message is displayed: 'Duplicate found' and the system proceeds with the next step of comparing the duplicated records.
The system displays the duplicated records in a form that allows the user to update the existing BP with information from the BP that would be created.
Create Business Partner - type Business
Every time the user creates a new BP, of type Company, a duplication check takes place based on the outlined process:
The system checks if there is an existing BP with the same Name and exists then the following message appears 'Duplicate found'. The system displays the duplicated records in a form that allows the user to update the existing BP with information from the BP that would be created (as described above).
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