/PACG/ECM_WRHQUANT - Quantities to send
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This configuration defines which stock level quantities for material can be sent to SAP FSM beside the available stock level per storage location:
Committed | If checked, (reserved) committed quantity will be sent to the cloud (committed quantity specifies the quantity that is available or that can be delivered on confirmed date using warehouse stock and/or receipts). |
Ordered Quantity | If checked, ordered quantity will be sent to the cloud (quantity for which orders have been recorded, but again no delivery was yet made) |
deprecated Customer Cons. | If checked, customer consignation quantity will be sent to the cloud |
(S4)PACG 200 SP05 Item after each | Trigger item sending (therefore stock update in FSM) after each material movement, even if it’s not activated in transaction /PACG/ECM_IWLON, field ‘Send stock level’. This setting can be used to reduce customizing efforts. |
(S4)PACG 200 SP06 Usd/Tr SAP | When transferring reserved material entries from SAP to FSM (idocs /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_RMAT_OUT), fill the 'used' and 'moved' (transferred) quantities using values from SAP ECC/S4 (table /PACG/ECM_ARMAT). Usually these properties are updated in FSM directly after material consumption/transfer and there's no need to send them from SAP. The only currently known use case when the 'used'/'moved' quantities must be sent in a reserved material idoc is when a shipped and at the same time partially consumed/transferred component is reassigned to another operation and thus should be moved to another activity - keeping the partial available quantity. Otherwise, the used quantity would be reset, and a technician could use more material than planned. If component reassignment functionality is not used, please keep this field disabled. Learn more about the functionality of component reassignment: Component's operation reassignment |
The setting is applicable for storage location in /PACG/ECM_WRHOUSE - E4C warehouse and /PACG/ECM_WRHKU - E4C warehouse - Customer Consignat..
The setting is used during material sending in /PACG/ECM_TRIG_ITEM - Item (formerly /PACG/ECM_ITEMSEND).
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