This function enables you to archive the following data:
- VSS order data
- VSS package data
Archiving of VSS data uses the standard archiving functions (transaction code SARA) and the following standard and VSS-specific archiving objects:
- /DBE/ORDER - Archiving object for VSS order
- /DBE/PACK - Archiving object for package
- VEHICLE - Archiving object for vehicle
- NM_QMEL - Archiving object for notification
Archiving of VSS data uses standard archiving functions and the following VSS archiving programs:
- Order
- /DBE/ORD_ARC_PRE - Sets the deletion flag for VSS orders
- /DBE/ORD_ARC_WRI - Creates archiving objects in an archive
- /DBE/ORD_ARC_DEL - Physical deletion of the database entries for the archiving objects created by /DBE/ORD_ARC_WRI; /DBE/ORD_ARC_DEL should always run after /DBE/ORD_ARC_WRI; this is ensured by transaction code SARA
- Package:
- /DBE/PACK_ARC_PRE - Sets the deletion flag for VSS packages
- /DBE/PACK_ARC_WRI - Creates archiving objects in an archive
- /DBE/PACK_ARC_DEL - Physical deletion of the database entries for the archiving objects created by /DBE/PACK_ARC_WRI; /DBE/PACK_ARC_DEL should always run after /DBE/PACK_ARC_WRI; this is ensured by transaction code SARA
- Vehicle
- RVLC_ARCHIVE_WRITE - Archive write program
- RVLC_ARCHIVE_DELETE - Archive delete program
- Notification
- RQARCNMV - Preprocessing program
- RQARCNMA - Write program
- RQARCNMD - Delete program
There are the following info structures for archiving in VSS:
- /DBE/ORDER_01 - Info structure for archive object /DBE/ORDER
- /DBE/PACK_01 - Info structure for archive object /DBE/PACK
There are the following field catalogs for archiving in VSS:
- /DBE/ORDER_01 - Field catalog for archiving object /DBE/ORDER
- /DBE/PACK_01 - Field catalog for archiving object /DBE/PACK
- /DBE/VEHICLE_01 - Info structure for archive object VEHICLE
- SAP_NM_QMEL1 - Info structure for archive object NM_QMEL
In order to display the archive data, these information structures must be active. You can activate the information structures manually with the transaction SARI. If you had archived some data before you activated the corresponding information structure, you must fill the structure with the transaction SARI. Choose Environment > Fill Structure.
There are the following field catalogs for archiving in VSS:
- /DBE/ORDER_01 - Field catalog for archiving object /DBE/ORDER
- /DBE/PACK_01 - Field catalog for archiving object /DBE/PACK
For more information on archiving in general, see Data Archiving(CA-ARC) Introduction to Data Archiving (CA-ARC) and, for example, Archiving Maintenance Notifications.
- You have made the appropriate settings in Customizing for VSS under Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) > Archiving.
- Prerequisites for the VSS order:
The preprocessing program has set the deletion flag (/DBE/VBAK_DB-LOEVM) when the VSS order has the status closed (for example, after billing) and the residence time has been reached.
- Prerequisites for the VSS package:
The preprocessing program has set the deletion flag for the package with the status 'SHOULD_BE_ARCHIVED' if the package is not included in any open order and any other non-archived package.
- Prerequisites for the Vehicle:
The action 'Set archive Indicator' can be processed if the current vehicle is not included in any VSS order in which the status is not equal with 'CLOSED'.
- Prerequisites for the Notification:
Notification can be archived if it is not included in any VSS order which is not marked to be archived.
- You can carry out archiving either manually or in a background job.
- The archiving report for VSS orders archives a VSS order only if it has the status Closed.
- Customer and material data can be archived, provided that the data of the corresponding VSS order data has already been archived.
Archiving of VSS data takes place in the following stages:
- Preprocessing: The system or archiving administrator, controller or auditor selects the data that needs to be archived. An Archive Development Kit (ADK) preprocessing program carries out a check to determine which of these objects can be archived and sets the appropriate status (for example, can be archived) for these objects.
- Archiving: an ADK write program writes the data with this status to the archive file.
- Deletion: an ADK deletion program system deletes the archived data from the database tables.
- For VSS Order, you can use transaction /DBE/ORDER03
- For Vehicle, you can use the vehicle search functionality
The system archives the following tables:
VSS Order:
- /DBE/VBAK_DB: Database Table - Order Header
- /DBE/VBAP: Main Sales Document: Item Data
- /DBE/SPLHDR_DB: Database Table for Split Header Data
- /DBE/SPLIT: Main Sales Document: Split Data
- /DBE/JOB: Job Administration
- /DBE/VBEP: Main Sales Document: Schedule Line Data
- /DBE/VBPA: Order-Related Partner Functions
- /DBE/TASK: Task Administration
- /DBE/OE_VBAKST: Status Table for Order Header
- /DBE/OE_VBAPST: Status Table for Item
- /DBE/OE_VBEPST: Status Table for Schedule Line
- /DBE/OE_SPLITST: Status Table for Split Item
- /DBE/OE_SPLHDRST: Status Table for Splits
- /DBE/OE_JOBST: Status Table for Jobs
- /DBE/OE_TASKST: Status Table for Tasks
- /DBE/WTYD_ORDER: Warranty-Relevant Data in VSS Order
- NAST: Message Status
- PRCD_ELEMENTS: Pricing Elements
VSS Package:
- /DBE/PACK_H: Package Header Database Table
- /DBE/PACK_I: Package Item Database Table
- /DBE/PACK_V: Package Variant Database Table
- PRCD_ELEMENTS: Pricing Elements
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