No. | Name | Description | Source in VSS |
AcademicTitle | Academic title and description | TSAD2-TITLE_KEY | |
2. | Language | Language id and description | T002-SPRAS |
3. | Country | Country id and description | T005-LAND1 |
4. | Make | Make id and description | /DBE/C_VEH_MAKE-V_MAKE |
5. | Currency | Currency id and description | CURC-WAERS |
6. | Profession | Profession id and description | TB028-BEZ30 |
7. | VatGroup | VAT Group and description | TSKD-TAXKD and TSKM-TAXKM |
8. | PaymentMethod | Payment method and description | /DBE/T_PAYTYPE_V-PAYMENT_TYPE |
9. | Gender | Gender id and description | T522G-GESCH |
10. | MaritalStatus | Marital status id and description | TB027-MARST |
11. | PriceList | Price list id and description | T189-PLTYP |
12. | PaymentTerms | Payment terms and description | V_T052-ZTERM |
13. | VehicleExteriorColorGroup | Vehicle exterior colour group and description | /DBE/V_GEN_OPT-GEN_OPT where GO_GROUP = "ECOLO" |
14. | VehicleInteriorTypeGroup | Vehicle interior type group and description | /DBE/V_GEN_OPT-GEN_OPT where GO_GROUP = "ICOLO" |
15. | OptionFamily | Option family id and description | /DBE/V_OPTYPE-OPCLASS |
16. | VehicleFuelType | Fuel type id and description | /DBE/V_FLTYPE-ENGFUEL |
17. | VehicleType | Vehicle type id and description | /DBE/V_CLASS-VCLASS |
18. | VehicleBodyStyle | Vehicle Body style id and description | /DBE/V_BODY-BODTYPE |
19. | VehicleGearType | Vehicle gear type id and description | /DBE/V_GEN_OPT-GEN_OPT where GO_GROUP = "GBOXT" |
20. | VehicleEmissionClass | Emission Class and description | /DBE/V_ENVICLAS-ENVICLASS |
21. | VehicleEmissionSticker | Emission Sticker and description | /DBE/V_EFFICLAS-EFFICLAS |
22. | VehicleAvailabilityStatus | Vehicle availability status and description | CVLC10-AVAIL |
23. | VehicleStatus | Vehicle status and description | /DBE/V_V_BUSTYPE-BUSTYPE |
24. | VehicleClassificationStatus | VehicleClassificationStatus and description | /DBE/V_V_BUSTYPE-BUSTYPE |
25. | VehicleFamily | Vehicle family and description | /DBE/V_MODEL-MODLINE |
26. | IndustrialSector | Industrial Sector / Customer group and description | T151-KDGRP |
27. | ItemGroup | Item group and description | /DBE/VS_S_IGRP-ITGRP |
28. | Company | Company and description | T001-BUKRS |
29. | Branch | Branch and description | T001W-WERKS |
30. | DocumentStatus | Document status and description | /DBE/OE_HSTAT-HSTAT |
31. | SalesPerson | Salesperson and description | P0001-PERNR |
32. | User | VSS User ID and description | USR02-BNAME |
33. | Cost Center | Cost Center and description | TVTW-VTWEG |
Refer below steps to perform the mapping of the lookup values:
Below are the additional items or services that can be offered to the customers:
No. | Type of additional items or services | Description | Examples |
OEM (Branded Accessories) | OEM Parts sold to the dealers and provided through the OEM Parts Master Data, those are created as inventory items in the dealer, and it could be offered or sold through any dealership Channel (Parts Over the Counter, Workshop, New & Used Vehicle Sales Department). | OEM Vehicle Cases, OEM Floor Mats, OEM Child Seat, Road Safety Tool Kit, etc | |
2. | Dealer Accessories | Other accessories bought from the dealer through an after- market accessories shop. They are created as inventory items in the dealer, and it could be offered or sold through any dealership Channel (Parts Over the Counter, Workshop, New & Used Vehicle Sales Department) | Dealer Vehicle Cases, Dealer Floor Mats, Road Safety Tool Kit, etc |
3. | Additional Services/Charges | Additional services or charges offered by the dealers. | Registration Fees, Transfer Cost Fees, PDI Charges |
Refer below steps to send additional items or services to DSW: