This business scenario is used to handle rental delivery processes of vehicles or equipments equipment as well as accessories.
Rental Delivery Management combines business scenarios like rental outbound and inbound delivery management which includes manufacturer serial number update, goods receipt posting, goods issue posting, reversal of posted movements and the cancellation possibilities of wrongly created documents. Additionally, equipment structure update takes place manually/automatically depending on the process steps.
This app is foreseen for warehouse manager who manages warehouse from the office and warehouse employee who is dealing with picking, checking vehicle serial number, etc.
The following master data is required for rental process in Rental Contract Delivery Management app.
Material master record is created with serial profile for serialized products.
Equipment master is created with rental flag and at least product line (rental tab).Equipment is classified for search via characteristics.
Customer master data is maintained.
Equipment is available in rental plant stock.
Rental materials are activated for rental process using transaction /PACG/RSM_USER
Rental process is configured (transaction /PACG/RSM_CONF) according to the Configuration Guide documentationconfiguration guide.
Rental order is created.
Depending on the settings you define in Customizing, the process flow may be as follows:
Searching for an available vehicle or an equipment by using a different kind of equipment field and characteristics variationssales order by using various fields from equipment master data and sales order fields
Creating outbound and inbound deliveries (both complete and partial) and their deletion when required
Manufacturer serial number update possibility in sales order and delivery document
Selection of equipment or unserialised materials using bas basket functionality
Assignment of sub-equipment and building an equipment hierarchy
Initiation of creation a rental contract
Manage contract details (update prices, ship-to party address, changing header or item fields)
Create consignment order as follow-up document of rental contract
Goods issue posting for outbound delivery and goods receipt posting for inbound delivery
Automatic/manual update of equipment structure
Info |
Note Apart from processing of rental document creation |
RDM app provides the following possibilities: |
Create measuring documents
Display asset master data
Display customer master data