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You can use this function to define the permitted vehicle mileage range for a service contract item that is specified in the service contract.
You can navigate directly to an item from the service contract. In the tab page VSS Data > Coverage Details tab you can enter vehicle mileage information.
Specify vehicle mileage to commit providing a customer with specific services, within a predefined number of kilometres/miles. To define vehicle mileage information, you must specify mileage from, mileage to & mileage unit and hence you limit the contract item validity within the entered mileage range.

(info) Note
If you want to specify the tolerance for mileage checking in service contract, make the setting in the following Customizing activities for Vehicle Sales and Service(VSS) under Vehicle > Define Control Values > Define Control Values for service. Define control value for Control Object /DBE/V_CNT_MIL_TOL (see Order Processing for Vehicle Service with Service Contracts.).