This is transaction is to be executed manually if needed and serves the purpose of sending a personnel number (PA30) from SAP to FSM. When triggering program /PACG/ECM_TRIG_EMPLOYEE_MASTER, the determination of addresses with the 'PERN' type is called.
It is required to enter a company ID before executing the program. If not, an error message is displayed at the bottom of the screen ('Fill in all required entry fields').
As long as there is an entry of "HOME/WORK/OTHER" in transaction /PACG/ECM_DEFADR or /PACG/ECM_USRADR, then the addresses from PA30 infotype 0005 will be sent. In another case, if the employment is not "3 Active", then transaction_type = D will always be sent as this is checked internally. The employment field here is in PA0000-STAT2.
To locate the responsible outbound idoc creation class for a message type, look for the message type in "/PACG/ECM_CLSASSIG - E4C Outgoing Messages Configuration".