The IAS (Internal Appointment Scheduling) is integrated into the To-Do Basket of the SRS. This solution is similar to the OAS Application but with additional functionalities:
- Direct Search on Customer and Vehicle in the SAP Backend System
- Integration of internal work and manual Work
- For each demand a specific time range can be defined by the user for planning
- SRS-Order type can be selected by the user > Determination of the Planning Scenario
- Preferred resource can be selected for each demand
- Additional Information can be displayed for the User
The functions are described in the following chapters.
If needed – IAS can be added as a separated functionality to the tiles list within SRS launchpad.
Search customer and vehicles
In the To-Do Basket the User can create a new SRS-Order (e.g. new Appointment)
Create new SRS-Order (e.g. Appointment)
After pressing the Button “Create” (red marked) the search screen is called. In this search screen the User can search for criteria like:
- Phone (the search is done on all telephone numbers, also mobile)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Street and House Number
- Postal code
- Make Code
- Model Code
- VIN-Number
- License Plate
- Veh. Number
The only exception is License Plate, because you can search it only when you type * at the beginning and ending of your data e.g. *DWR1234*.
The Search can be manipulated in the BAdI (Enhancement Spot /DBME/CMA_VEH_CUST_SEARCH) in the method search. This method is also used in the MSA Area.
Search Screen
Example result can be as following:
Search screen - results
The meaning of the icons/ colors is following:
- Data stored in SAP Business Partner data
- Data stored in SAP Business Partner data. Empty customer number means that role “customer” was not created for this BP.
- Data stored in SAP vehicle master data.
- Data stored in the OAS user profile
- Vehicle data assigned to OAS profile. Green colour means that vehicle data saved in OAS profile and SAP vehicle master are the same.
- Customer number assigned to OAS profile. Red colour means that customer data saved in OAS profile and in SAP customer master are different.
Selection of Services
With the search results the SRS-Order (e.g. Appointment) can be created by selecting the relevant line of the search results. In the Details the Services and Demands can be selected.
Selection of Services
The screen Sequence can be configured in the SRS Customizing. Depending on the screen sequence screens can be defined as following:
- Demand Screens with Service from Estimation Catalog
- Demand Screens calling the BADI (/DBME/WMA_SERVICE_SCREEN; Enhancement Spot /DBME/WMA)
- Calling a screen with information calling the BAdI (/DBME/WMA_SERVICE_SCREEN /Enhancement Spot /DBME/WMA)
The selected demands are shown in the summary screen. In this screen the Demands can be deleted or a new manual demand can be added.
Summary Screen
Add manual Demand and delete Demand
Information Screen
It is possible to define a screen with information only. The information can be read in the BAdI (/DBME/WMA_SERVICE_SCREEN /Enhancement Spot /DBME/WMA)
Summary Screen
The selected demands are shown in the summary screen. In this screen the Demands can be deleted or a new manual demand can be added. The amount of the selected work is displayed near to the icon.
Required starting date and required end date can be changed for each selected Demand.
Change Required Starting and Ending date
Preferred resource can be chosen from the list. It can be a specific worker or bay. Thanks to this option for example an exact service advisor may be chosen for the client.
Preferred Resource
Preferred Resource- selecting
It is also possible to manage the demands in the summary screen. Following functions are available:
- Create demand - new demand can be added to the order
- Cancel demand – demand can be canceled from the list
- Copy demand - copy a demand in the summary tab of the IAS to make it easier and faster for the user. One or more rows have to be selected and can be copied.
To-Do Basket - Demand copy
Location Screen
In the location screen in the location can be selected work should be done.
Location Screen
It is possible to search the location:
Location- searching
Which locations are displayed are controlled by the assignment of the user to the hierarchy
Setting the Hierarchy for a User
In the Settings in the relevant locations are selected (all with Flag “Is Workshop” in the hierarchy master data). As soon no location is not selected, the Icon is red and it is not possible to save the order.
In addition to that the locations can be filtered with the BAdI /DBME/WMA_OAS_HIERARCHY_ID of the enhancement spot /DBME/WMA.
Date Screen
In the date screen the relevant data are selected for the planning.
Date Screen
The relevant parameters are selected by the Parameter group of the relevant hierarchy.
Parameter Group of the Hierarchy
The parameter group can be defined as master data in the Customizing of the SRS
Definition of the Parameter Group in the DBME|SRS-Customizing
In the DBM|E-SRS menu the parameters can be assigned (Lean Condition) to the parameter group depending on the following data:
- Hierarchy – ID
- Parameter Group
- User Role
- Make Code
The access is defined in the following menu of DBM|E-SRS:
Finding the Parameters via Lean Condition
The System is doing the planning depending on the parameters set for the planning
Planning Mode Determination
The parameters are displayed in the date screen only in case a demand type is assigned to the parameter.
Assigning a demand type to the parameter
Parameter Screen
In this screen all Parameters not relevant for planning are displayed, means the demand type not assigned. Only Parameters without a demand type can be set or unset.
Parameter Screen
Agreement Screen
In the agreement screen the relevant agreements can be displayed. Depending the agreement is obligatory the user must set the flag.
Agreement Screen
The relevant agreements are selected by the agreement group of the relevant hierarchy.
Agreement Group of the Hierarchy
The parameter group can be defined as master data in the Customizing of the SRS
Definition of the Agreement Group in the DBME|SRS-Customizing
In the DBM|E-SRS menu the parameters can be assigned (Lean Condition) to the parameter group depending on the following data:
- Hierarchy – ID
- Parameter Group
- User Role
- Make Code
The access is defined in the following menu of DBM|E-SRS:
Finding the Agreements via Lean Condition
In the maintenance view also the flag obligatory can be set. Means this agreement must be set.
Notes Screen
In the notice screen additional information can be entered by the user.
Entering additional information in the notes screen
The information is saved in the Text “Service Notes” of the SRS-Order.
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